Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Bird Count

Saturday was the Christmas Bird Count at the Buena Vista Lagoon!  It is a large event where, from mid-December to early January, people all across North America get together and count birds.  It's managed by the National Audubon Society, and they gather up all the checklists.  It is very fun and helps us see how different bird populations are doing.  All together we saw over seventy species, and this year, like every year, the people at the nature center served free (and very tasty) chili.

There were quite a few people at the Buena Vista Lagoon.  My dad and I went there early to look for birds in the eucalyptus forest.  It was very beautiful.

We didn't see many birds there, though we saw about a hundred crows.  They sat in the trees and were very, very noisy.  They didn't like us being there and followed us, trying to drive us away.  Below is a photo of part of the group.
American Crows

We didn't think we'd see any hawks there because of the crows, but we saw two red-shouldered hawks sitting together on the other side of a hill.  Below is a photo of them.
Red-shouldered Hawks

After walking through the eucalyptus, we went to the nature center.  It was very beautiful there, too.  The sky was quite clear and bright.  It was great lighting for birdwatching.

One of the first birds I saw there was an osprey sitting in a tree.  It was looking down at us.  Below is a photo of it.

We also saw a few more American crows.  Below is one of them.
American Crow

A mourning dove trying to keep very still on the ground so I wouldn't see it.  Because it stayed still, I was able to take a pretty good photo.  They are very pretty birds.  Below is the mourning dove.
Mourning Dove

There were many, many hummingbirds (both Anna's and Allen's) zipping around and fighting with each other.  Below is a photo of an Anna's hummingbird.
Anna's Hummingbird

There were at least four red-tailed hawks flying around the lagoon.  Below are photos of two of them.
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk

There weren't many Cassin's kingbirds around.  I only saw a few.  Below is one of them sitting on a telephone wire.
Cassin's Kingbird

There were a surprisingly large number of white-throated swifts flying around.  Normally, we only see two or three, if any, but Saturday there was a whole flock of them flying around and around above us.  White-throated swifts summer in the western United States and winter in South America.  They are found all year round in the southwest and Mexico.  They have white sides and throats and the rest is black.  Swifts are similar in appearance to swallows, but are, in fact, more closely related to hummingbirds.  They can be told apart from swallows by their scythe-shaped wings and stiffer movements.  Below is one of the swifts.
White-throated Swift

We don't usually see turkey vultures, but Saturday one flew right over us.  Below is a photo of it.
Turkey Vulture

There were hundreds of seagulls flying around.  Below is a photo of part of a large flock.  I'm not positive what species they are, but they might be California gulls.

There were quite few black phoebes around.  Below is one of them in a tree.
Black Phoebe

There was a little ruby-crowned kinglet hopping around in a tree.  It came right out in the open, though it moved much to quickly to take many photos.  Below is the one clear photo I took of it.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet

One exciting bird we saw was a least bittern.  It was hiding in the reeds, but came out for us before flying away.  Least bitterns summer in most of the eastern United States and in parts of the southwest.  They winter in South America and are found all year in southern California and Florida and parts of Mexico.  They are very small and very shy.  They are reddish-brown all over and have black on their wings, backs, and heads.  They are paler and streaked on their chests.  Below are two photos of the least bittern.
Least Bittern
Least Bittern

We went down to the beach and it was beautiful there, as it was everywhere else.

There was one lone Heermann's gull standing on the beach.  Below is a photo of it.
Heermann's Gull

There were not nearly as many sanderlings around as last time.  There were only a few.  Below is a photo of three of them.  They all seemed to be resting.

There was a little eared grebe diving and popping up again right in front of us.  It also took a little bath.  It was very fluffy and small.  Below is a photo of it.
Eared Grebe

There was a single Say's phoebe down by the beach.  There always seems to be one around there.  Below is a photo of it sitting on a fence.
Say's Phoebe

There were a couple of American kestrels around.  Below are two photos of the same male kestrel sitting on a telephone wire and a chimney.
American Kestrel
American Kestrel

Until we went to the beach, we didn't see any brown pelicans.  When we went there, though, there were suddenly tons of pelicans.  Below is a flock of nine flying in a V.
Brown Pelicans

There were only a couple whimbrels at the beach.  Only one let me get very close.  Below is a photo of it.

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