Sunday, August 17, 2014

Skunks, Cats, and Many Birds

There is a young cat living in our yard that is fascinated by the skunks (there are now four or five skunks that come every night).  She doesn't interact with them, but sits a few feet away or hides in the bushes and watches them.  Sometimes she follows them around.  The cat is always there when the the skunks are.  Below is a photo of a skunk and the cat.

Whenever Cooper's hawks are on the move, they always fly quickly and often crazily.  They never seem to sit still for very long.  Below is a photo of one sitting on a telephone pole.

Cooper's Hawk

The California towhees must be molting, because all of them are very patchy.  The one below isn't too bad, but some of them look like small patches of feathers are missing.

California Towhee

Every day, a lot of birds come down to take baths in the various water bowls.  Orioles, towhees, finches, house sparrows, mockingbirds, goldfinches, doves, and jays all come down and bathe there.  Below are six photos of birds that came down to bathe.  The first two are of both house finches and house sparrows.  The third is a northern mockingbird, and the four and fifth are hooded orioles.  The sixth is a mourning dove (it may have been a young one, because of the patchy marks on the face and barring on the chest and back).

House Sparrows and House Finches
House Sparrows and House Finches
Northern Mockingbird
Hooded Oriole
Hooded Oriole
Mourning Dove

A rather odd incident occurred at the metal water dish.  There was a fluffy young lesser goldfinch sitting there on the edge.  Then a female house sparrow came down and sat beside it.  The goldfinch began to cheep and flap at the house sparrow, begging it for food.  Surprisingly, the house sparrow did feed it.  Perhaps, because house sparrows are very small, it resembled an adult goldfinch to the baby, and because the behavior of most young birds is very similar, the house sparrow automatically wanted to feed the baby.  I'm not sure, but that's the best I can think of.  It was very strange, but cute, too.  Below are three photos.  The first is the house sparrow (the goldfinch can be seen in the background), the second is the young lesser goldfinch, and the third is the house sparrow feeding the goldfinch.

House Sparrow
Lesser Goldfinch
Lesser Goldfinch and House Sparrow

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