I've seen many birds over the past few days, though I haven't been able to post because I've been busy.
The orioles are all over the place now. The winter birds like white-crowned sparrows and cedar waxwings should be leaving soon. Below are two photos of hooded orioles. The first is of a female, and the second is of a male.
Hooded Oriole |
Hooded Oriole |
The red-tailed hawks have been flying around together a lot. The pair at my school have been shrieking a lot as well. Below is one of the ones in my neighborhood.
Red-Tailed Hawk |
The hummingbirds have been very aggressive towards everyone. The attack each other, other birds, and now me. I was walking through my yard when, suddenly, above me I heard a noise like "zzz-pop!" The "pop" sounded somewhat like a bottle being opened. Then I heard it again and looked up. I found that it was a lovely male Anna's hummingbird dive-bombing me. He'd make the "zzz" noise as he went up, them the "pop" as he zoomed down a few inches above my head. Then he perched on a wire and started buzzing at me. Below are two photos of him.
Anna's Hummingbird |
Anna's Hummingbird |
A rather exciting bird in my yard was a Pacific-Slope flycatcher, because I don't think I've seen one before. They are found in the summer in moist forests near water along the west coast of the United States and southern Canada. They winter south into Mexico. They are small and yellowish-green overall. They are yellower underneath and have darker wings and white eye-rings. They are common, though I've likely never seen one because I've never been in the right habitat. I'm not sure why this one below was in my yard, as it's not near water. It was probably just passing through. Anyway, it was neat, and below is the only clear photo I took of it.
Pacific-Slope Flycatcher |
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