Saturday, April 6, 2013

Three Small Birds and One Large One

Spring is here, but the winter birds have not quite left yet.  There are still many white-crowned sparrows around, though they are often late to leave.

Below is a pretty good example of how members of the same species can look very different.  Below are two photos of female Anna's hummingbirds in different light.  The top one looks somehat messy and very brown, while the bottom one looks very clean, neat, and bright green.  When I saw it, I almost thought that the bottom hummingbird was a different species, but when I looked at a couple other photos I took of it, it looked more like the one above.
Anna's Hummingbird

Anna's Hummingbird

Below are a pair of common ravens that were flying around above my neighborhood.  I'm always surprised at how large they are.  They are the size of red-tailed hawks, or even sometimes larger, and I often confuse them with hawks when the light isn't good.  However, when I hear them croak (and they often do), I know they're ravens.
Common Ravens

Below is a mourning dove sitting on a telephone wire.  It looks somewhat proud and dramatic with the light shining on it and the blue sky behind it, but it was actually very nervous and flew away soon after I started taking photos.
Mourning Dove

Below is a northern mockingbird all fluffed up (he shook himself). I believe it is a he because I've seen him sit in the same spot every day and make small, almost cooing noises. Sometimes he is holding an insect when he makes them. I believe he is trying to find a mate to offer the insect to (which is usually something males do), but so far, he's always been alone. All of the other mockingbirds are in pairs but him. Perhaps his song wasn't long enough.
Northern Mockingbird

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