Saturday, June 29, 2013

Buena Vista Lagoon June

It was very foggy at the Buena Vista Lagoon this morning.  It cleared up, but then it was really hot and humid.  There was also a blackout in the area, so all of the buildings were dark inside.  There weren't many birds around today, but there usually aren't during the summer.

There were a bunch of bullfrogs croaking all over.  They can be really loud and make a grunting noise.  They sound something like a bull or other large animal.

There were many great blue herons flying around.  There were at least eight, but I wasn't able to get a good photo of one.  It was very unusual, since great blue herons are normally solitary.  Perhaps they were families.  There were not many egrets around, but I did take a photo of one great egret that flew over.  Below is the egret.
Great Egret

There were a few mallards swimming around.  Below are two photos of three different mallards.  They are either females or young ones.  Young male mallards don't have their full green heads until late in the year, near winter.

The American crows were very active today.  They had a lot of food to eat.  Below are two photos of them.  The first is of two crows eating some food that someone had probably left out for the birds.  The second is of a crow picking out the ripe cherries from a tree (or at least berries similar to cherries).
American Crows
American Crow

There was also an osprey at the lagoon.  It was pretty far away, so it was a bit hard to photograph.  Ospreys are found throughout the United States.  They winter in the south and summer in the north.  They are also found throughout the world.  They are found near any water where there is fish, where they dive head and feet first to catch them.  Below is the osprey.

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