Monday, February 11, 2013

Birds, Bees, and Lizards

Sorry I didn't post all weekend.  I was really busy.

Below is a white-crowned sparrow sitting on a bird of paradise plant.  It looks pretty different from the other photos of white-crowned sparrows I've posted because it is not fully mature.  Immature white-crowned sparrows have brown striped heads instead of black and white.
White-Crowned Sparrow

Below are two photos of animals that are not birds.  The first is of a honey bee on a flower (because if you have flowers for the hummingbirds, you'll get bees as well).  The second is of a western fence lizard that was sunning itself.
Honey Bee
Western Fence Lizard

Below are two photos of a California towhee.  The first is of the towhee before it's bath in a clay bowl, and the second is of it taking a bath.  So far, birdbaths on the ground (like trays, trashcan lids, or bowls) have been safer for birds than real birdbaths.  In a real birdbath, cats have come up underneath where the birds can't see them and jumped up to catch the birds.  On the ground, birds can see cats that are sneaking up on them.  This towhee had nothing to worry about though; there were no cats around.
California Towhee

California Towhee

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