Saturday, February 16, 2013

Doves, Lizards, Hawks, and a Phoebe

Today I saw many birds.  I also saw two little western fence lizards running around after each other and jumping down the stairs.  The birds and lizards are very active in the warmer weather.  I think they're getting ready for spring already, because my parents saw a dove with a twig in its beak.

Below is a mourning dove that was sitting on a power line early in the morning.
Mourning Dove

Below is one of the active little lizards that was peeking over a stair at me.

Below is one of the red-tailed hawks from yesterday.
Red-Tailed Hawk

Below are both of the hawks flying below an airplane.
Red-Tailed Hawks

Below is a black phoebe that was catching flies hovering around.
Black Phoebe

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