Sunday, February 17, 2013

Four Birds and Another Mockingbird Video

Today I saw a lot of birds in my backyard, and around town as well.  Outside of my yard, I saw a common yellowthroat hopping around a fast food drive-thru, two red-tailed hawks, and three red-shouldered hawks.  All five of the hawks were flying around the same place.  All of the photos and the video below are in my backyard.

Below is a white-crowned sparrow that was singing.
White-Crowned Sparrow

Below is a California towhee.  Towhees aren't usually perched in high places such as telephone poles, but this one was, though not for very long.
California Towhee

Below is a bushtit that was foraging in a group.  Bushtits are almost always in groups, except in mating season.

Below is an Anna's hummingbird hovering above a dead tree.  It was looking for insects.
Anna's Hummingbird

Below is another video of a singing northern mockingbird.  I think this video is a little quieter than the last one, so you might have to turn up the volume.

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