This morning it was very, very foggy. The birds seem to like foggy days, though, probably because it's cool, dark, and quiet. I saw house finches, western bluebirds, and a tree swallow flying around through the fog at school. I saw and heard many others, though I couldn't identify them all.
Below is a northern mockingbird that was eating the berries off a tree. It was in my backyard.
Northern Mockingbird
Below is an Anna's hummingbird that was perched high atop a tree in my yard.
Anna's Hummingbird
Below is a mourning dove sitting on a telephone wire in my yard.
Mourning Dove
Below is a female house finch at school.
House Finch
Below are two photos of the same western bluebird that was at school this morning. It was hard to take photos of them because the fog was so thick. In the pictures below, the entire view behind the bird is white, but if it weren't foggy, there'd be trees and buildings. The first picture is to show how foggy it was (the bird was only several feet away). The second is to show how beautiful the bird was.
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