Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Whale-Watching Part II

Here are more of the creatures I saw on my whale-watching trip!

Below are two eared grebes.  They winter in the southwestern United States and Mexico.  They summer in the northwestrn United States and southern Canada.  They are fairly small grebes found from marshes to ponds to open ocean.  The one below on the left is in breeding plumage, but the one on the right is in nonbreeding plumage.  Although it can't be seen in the picture, the birds in breeding plumage have yellow plumes on the sides of their heads, hence the name "eared" grebe.
Eared Grebe

Below is a royal tern.  Royal tern are found along the coast of southern California, the eastern United States coast, and down the coasts of Mexico.  They are found on beaches and over the ocean.  There were tons and tons of them over the ocean and they were very loud.  They are similar to Caspian terns, though they can be told apart by their slimmer bodies, wings, and beaks, and in the winter, royal terns have white foreheads, which Caspian terns lack.
Royal Tern

Below are two photos of brown pelicans.  They are found along the southern east and west coasts and the coasts of Mexico.  They are common on beaches, piers, and over the ocean where they dive from the sky for fish.  They are very large and brown, and birds in breeding plumage have bright red, yellow, and white faces.  The first photo I took on the sailboat.  The second I took an earlier day at the Oceanside Harbor (it shows the pelican better).
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelicans

Below are not birds, but California sea lions.  There were tons of them everywhere lying around or swimming.
California Sea Lions

Below is a common bottlenose dolphin.  This, below, was one of the dolphins in a small group that swam alongside the boat.  They really startled me because they were very far away, then suddenly they jumped out of the water near enough that I could have touched them.
Common Bottlenose Dolphin

Below are two photos I took of Point Loma.  On the right in both pictures, a little bit of the city of San Diego can be seen.
Point Loma
Point Loma

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