Sunday, March 17, 2013

Starlings, Hawks, Mockingbirds, and Kingbirds

Today I saw the same birds that I saw yesterday.  I saw the hooded oriole again, and I heard the spotted towhee, but I didn't see it.

Below is a European starling.  This one and another were making slide-whistle noises together.  They make a lot of strange whistling noises, and at first I thought they were children playing, because that's what they sounded like.  They are very noisy birds, especially when they gather in big groups.
European Starling

Below is a red-tailed hawk that was soaring around above my yard.
Red-Tailed Hawk

Below is a very ruffled northern mockingbird looking down at me.  It was all fluffed up because it was preening itself.
Northern Mockingbird

Below is a Cassin's kingbird flying with something in its mouth.  I don't think it was an insect, because it was big, white, and fluffy, and the bird didn't eat it.  I think it was a nest material of some sort.
Cassin's Kingbird

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