Monday, March 11, 2013

Six Birds and a Bewick's Wren Video

I've taken more pictures of the two common doves in my backyard.  Below are a photo of a mourning dove and of a Eurasian collared-dove.  As one can see, the mourning dove has many more spots on its wings and has a pointed tail.  It also has bright red feet, which the collared dove does not.
Mourning Dove

Eurasian Collared-Dove

Below is a photo of two crows dive-bombing a hawk (I'm not sure what kind of hawk).  The hawk is in the bottom left corner.  Crows often mob hawks.  Kingbirds and mockingbirds are also often found doing this.  Listening for mobbing birds, which are usually screeching, is a good way to find hawks.
A Hawk and Two Crows

Below is a female Allen's hummingbird that sat right in front of me.
Allen's Hummingbird

Below is a black phoebe sitting on a telephone wire.
Black Phoebe

Below is a video of a Bewick's wren singing.  I'm sorry that it's short, but wrens hardly ever seem to stay in one place for long.

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