Thursday, January 17, 2013

Egrets, a Hawk, and a Coyote

I learned that the 'artificial' pond was not originally the way it is now.  There used to fields there, and I believe a creek or some other bodies of water.  However, when the housing developement came up, the people cut it off and the fountain was added, so I guess it is somewhat artificial.  There must be fish or other creatures in there, because today I saw two snowy egrets fishing.
Here is another photo of a snowy egret.  This one is fishing; crouched to chase after the fish.
Snowy Egret
I know that the animal below is not a bird.  It's the back of a coyote that my mom and I saw when we were walking our dog.  As well as birds and poetry, I'm interested in mammals and every other creature.  Most of the coyotes in my neighborhood are not healthy, but this one was very healthy looking.  We often hear them howling at night.  They're probably catching the many rabbits and ground squirrels around.  It's too bad I couldn't get its face in the photo!

Also on the walk, I saw a red-tailed hawk sitting in a tree.  Below is a photo of it.
Red-tailed Hawk

I also saw a great egret.  It was flying over the neighborhood.  They are very beautiful, big, white birds.  It was close enough that I could tell it was a great by size alone.  Here is a photo of it flying away.
Great Egret

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