Monday, January 7, 2013

More Persimmons and the Bushtit

Yesterday a sharp-shinned hawk flew over my yard.  That isn't too unusual, but I don't see the small hawks every day.  Unfortunately, it zoomed quickly overhead and was gone before I could get a camera out.

This morning, when I went out into my yard to look for birds, I didn't see any hermit thrushes, but I saw a female Nuttall's woodpecker (males have a red spot on their heads, females don't) and an orange-crowned warbler eating persimmons.  Here are photos of both of them.

Nuttall's Woodpecker

Orange-crowned Warbler

Yesterday, a flock of bushtits passed through my yard.  Bushtits are tiny, gray-brown birds that are almost always seen in flocks.  They often hang upside-down searching for aphids.  They're found on the west coast of the United States and down into Mexico.


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