Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Common Raven and Persimmons

Yesterday I saw a rather unusual sight in my backyard.  Actually, at first it was an unusual sound.  I heard a loud croaking above my head, and there they were; two common ravens.  I've seen them flying over my yard before before, but only occasionally.

Common ravens can be found in many parts of the world, and are much larger than their cousins the crows.  They are also shier than crows, prefering more natural habitats.  However, they do come into more urban areas regularly.  Here is a photo of the two that flew over my yard.

Common Ravens

One type of tree that nearly every bird in my yard loves is the persimmon tree; the kind with soft, squishy orange fruit.  So far, mockingbirds, scrub-jays, finches, warblers, waxwings, and even hummingbirds and woodpeckers love to eat the fruit.  Some birds are there all day long from sunrise to sunset.  The fruit is very tasty for people too, and can be used in cookies, jam, and other things, or can be eaten plain.

Here are two photos of birds enjoying the delicious fruit.  The first is of a house finch, and the second is of a cedar waxwing.

House Finch

Cedar Waxwing

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