Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Six Lovely Birds

Yesterday and today, I've seen a lot of birds.  However, I still haven't seen or heard the hermit thrushes, and I'm a little worried that they've left.

I'll be going back to school tomorrow, because today is the last day of winter break, so I probably won't be posting as often as I've been doing.

For today's post, I'll just share some photos of the birds I've seen.  Below is another orange-crowned warbler.
Orange-crowned Warbler

Here is a black phoebe, a common flycatcher near water (occasionally they even catch little fish off the surface of the water!)  However, they're also common in other habitats, like this one.
Black Phoebe

Below, a western scrub-jay, the most common jay in my area.
Western Scrub-jay

Here, a northern mockingbird.  Mockingbirds sing long songs made up of whatever sounds they'd heard as a chick, be it birdsongs, car alarms, or howling coyotes.
Northern Mockingbird

Below, a turkey vulture, the only vulture in my area and the larger of the two species of vulture in the United States.
Turkey Vulture

Here, a Bewick's Wren, a common wren in the Southwest of the United States.  They are pretty fearless little birds, and frequently come right up to people.  They're also very loud and musical.

Bewick's Wren

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