Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mallard Ducks

This morning, there were mallard ducks on the artificial pond.  It's the first time I've seen ducks on the pond.

Although it may be tempting to toss bread to the ducks, it isn't healthy for them.  It fills their stomachs but doesn't provide them with nutrients.  Seeds and corn are much better for any birds than bread.  I know it's nice to have the ducks come up and take the bread, but please try to resist the urge to give it to them.

Mallard ducks are probably the most common and widespread ducks in the United States.  They are found throughout the United States, Canada, and northern Mexico, and are also found in other parts of the world.  They can be found on any shallow freshwater lagoons or ponds, or on the grass in parks.  Some mallards have been domesticated, so feral ducks may be seen among the wild ones.  The feral ducks can be told apart from the wild ones by their larger size, deep bellies, and different colors; feral ducks often have large dark or white patches.  Female mallards are brown and streaked.  Males have black tails, pale gray bodies, brown chests, a white neck ring, and green heads.  They are dabbling ducks, so they tip their front ends under the water to get food off the bottom.  They never dive.  Below are two photos of mallards; the first of two females, and the second of a male.

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