Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Barn Owl

Tonight I heard a barn owl, and my dad saw it.  It was flying and screeching.

Barn owls are found all year round in the coastal and southern United States and down into Mexico, but are not too common.  They can be found hunting (at night, of course) in brushy areas, farmlands, and fields for small mammals.  During the day they sleep in barns, caves, or trees.  They make a few different strange noises, including almost ghostly screams.  My mom and dad have also heard them make 'ick ick ick' noises that sound like squeaky bicycle wheels.  Chicks sometimes make noises that sound like sweeping brooms.  Barn owls are very beautiful owls.  They are white below, and grayish-tawny on their back.  They have a heart shaped facial disk and dark eyes.  Below is a photo I took last year of one that was sleeping in my jacaranda tree.  It was being scolded by a hooded oriole.  I'm sorry that there is a branch in the way.  When I tried to go outside to take a better photo, it flew away. 
Barn Owl

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