Thursday, January 3, 2013

List for Jan. 2 and the Orange-crowned Warbler


Here's my backyard bird list for yesterday, Jan. 2:

  • Red-tailed hawk
  • Northern mockingbird
  • Yellow-rumped warbler
  • Orange-crowned warbler
  • Nuttall's woodpecker
  • Bewick's wren
  • Bushtit
  • Western bluebird
  • Anna's hummingbird
  • Western scrub-jay
  • California towhee
  • White-crowned sparrow
  • House finch
  • House sparrow

Here is a photo of an orange-crowned warbler that flew right up to me, but had a very hard time sitting still for a photo!  Orange-crowned warblers are found in my area all year-round, but in other areas, they migrate.  I've seen them sticking their heads into flowers, so I presume that they eat nectar.  This warbler is in its favorite bush, one with long bright red flowers that it can fit most of its head into.

Orange-crowned Warbler

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